LDAP Provisioner

Provisioner Configuration

To use the LDAPProvisioner backend, set the provisioner option under the APPLICATION section to ldap.

The LDAPProvisioner service stores messages in batches and reflects the changes in an LDAP DIT at regular intervals. This can minimize writes to LDAP group entries that might require repeated modification in a short time span. The LDAP provisioner can be configured to provision LDAP groups and user attributes. A single provisioner can modify both simultaneously or only groups or only user entries. This can be optimal for LDAP service implementations that require user entries and groups to be updated independently of one another (e.g. OpenLDAP).

The options for the LDAP provisioner are:

  • log_level (optional) - This option can override the global log level for events logged by this service.
  • sqlite_db (required) - The path to an sqlite3 database file used to store messages for batch processing. If the file does not exist, it will be created.
  • group_map (required) - This JSON configuration file maps Grouper groups or stems to LDAP group names or templates. If a group message does not match an entry in this configuration, it will be ignored.
  • url (required) - The LDAP service URL. E.g. ldaps://
  • start_tls (optional) - After connecting to the LDAP service, request StartTLS encryption (default false)
  • base_dn (required) - The base DN used in searches when looking up group and user entries.
  • bind_dn (required) - BIND as this DN prior to searching the DIT or modifying its entries.
  • passwd (required) - Password for the bind_dn option.
  • empty_dn (optional) - A DN used to populate a group if it would otherwise be empty. This is useful for LDAP groups with the groupOfNames schema, as it is a schema violation to remove the member attribute entirely. If all members would be removed from the group, the empty_dn value is used instead. E.g. cn=nobody,ou=nowhere,dc=example,dc=org.


log_level = WARN
url = ldap://directory0.lafayette.edu:389/
start_tls = 1
base_dn = o=lafayette
bind_dn = cn=ldap-manager,ou=servicedns,o=lafayette
group_attribute = member
user_attribute = memberOf
group_value_type = dn
user_value_type = dn
batch_interval = 20
group_map = /etc/txamqpprovisioners/provisioners/ldap/groupmap.json

Group Map Configuration

The group map is a JSON file that maps fully qualified Grouper group names to LDAP group identifiers (e.g. a CN). It can also map a Grouper stem to a template. Grouper stems are denoted with a trailing colon (‘:’).

Valid targets for a group can be an LDAP group name (string) or an LDAP group configuration (dictionary) consisting of the following keys:

  • group: (string) The LDAP group.
  • create_group: (boolean) Create the group in the DIT if it cannot be found by searching.
  • create_context: (string) The parent DN under which the group should be created if the create_group option is set to true.

Alternatively, the inbound membership can be used to provision an attribute by providing a dictionary with the following keys:

  • attribute: (string) The LDAP attribute name.
  • value: (string) The LDAP attribute value to add/remove.
  • multi_valued: (boolean) A flag that indicates whether this attribute can have multiple values.

Valid targets for a stem may be either a template (string) or an LDAP template configuration (dictionary) consiting of the following keys:

  • template: (string) A Jinja2 template that will undergo substitutions with the following variables:

    • group: The base Grouper group name (no stem).
    • stem: The stem of the Grouper group.
    • fqgroup: The fully qualified Grouper group name (includes stem).
  • create_group: (boolean) Create the group in the DIT if it cannot be found by searching.

  • create_context: (string) The parent DN under which the group should be created if the create_group option is set to true.