Active Directory Account Provisioner

Provisioner Configuration

To use the ADAccountProvisioner backend, set the provisioner option under the APPLICATION section to ad_account_provisioner.

The ADAccountProvisioner service treats the Active Directory DIT as a target system. It can provision or deprovision accounts in the DIT under a single OU container. Deprovisioning simply disables accounts rather than deleting entries.

The options for the AD account provisioner are:

  • log_level (optional) - This option can override the global log level for events logged by this service.
  • provision_group - A fully qualified group name that must match the group in the message being processed. If the group does not match, the provisioner will log the message and discard it.
  • endpoint - The Twisted client endpoint used to connect to the Active Directory LDAP service.
  • use_starttls (optional) - 1 = use StartTLS, 0 = no StartTLS; default 1 (use StartTLS).
  • starttls_hostname - If using StartTLS, the hostname that the LDAP client should expect to find in the Active Directory x509 certificate subject or subject alternative name field.
  • starttls_trust_anchor - A file in PEM format that contains the x509 certificate authorities that the LDAP client should trust when using StartTLS.
  • bind_dn - The DN used to BIND to Active Directory via LDAP. This DN must have sufficient rights to create and disable entries in the base_dn container.
  • bind_passwd - The password for the bind_dn.
  • base_dn - The DN of the OU container in which the provisioner will search for, create, and disable user accounts.
  • filter - An LDAP filter used to select user entries. Entries not matching the filter will not be considered by the provisioner.
  • account_template - The path to a jinja2 template that will be used to create a JSON representation of the account to be created.


log_level = DEBUG
provision_group = app:ad:exports:ad
endpoint =
use_starttls = 1
starttls_hostname =
starttls_trust_anchor = /etc/txamqpprovisioners/tls/ca/cacert.cert.pem
bind_dn = CN=Service Account,OU=Service Accounts,DC=ad,DC=example,DC=net
bind_passwd = SECRET_DONT_TELL
base_dn = OU=People,DC=ad,DC=example,DC=net
filter = (objectClass=user)
account_template = /etc/txamqpprovisioners/provisioners/ad/ad-accounts-template.jinja2

Account Template Configuration

The account template should render to a JSON mapping of attribute names to lists of attribute values. Only attributes which exist in your Active Directory’s schema can be created for new entries.

The filter equote is available to escape values used in JSON quoted strings. The name attributes resolves to a mapping of attributes for the subject that were provided in the message. The name subject is available and resolves to the subject ID from the message.


    "dn": "CN={{attributes.uid[0]|equote}},OU=People,DC=ad,DC=example,DC=net",
    "cn": ["{{attributes.uid[0]|equote}}"],
    "displayName": ["{{attributes.givenName[0]|equote}} {{[0]|equote}}"],
    "distinguishedName": ["CN={{attributes.uid[0]|equote}},OU=People,DC=ad,DC=example,DC=net"],
    "givenName": ["{{attributes.givenName[0]|equote}}"],
    "name": ["{{attributes.givenName[0]|equote}} {{[0]|equote}}"],
    "objectClass": ["top", "person", "organizationalPerson", "user"],
    "sAMAccountName": ["{{attributes.uid[0]|equote}}"],
    "sn": ["{{[0]|equote}}"],
    "userPrincipalName": ["{{attributes.uid[0]|equote}}"],
    "userAccountControl": [544]


Make sure that your template maps attribute names to lists of attribute values. Even if there is only a single value.