Provisioner Delivery Service

The Provisioner Delivery Service modifies messages it receives. It may look up attributes and group mapping for subjects. It rewrites messages into a common format. It then applies routing labels to messages and delivers then to an exchange.

To use this provisioner, set the provisioner option under the APPLICATION section to kiki.

This provisioner supports the following options in the PROVISIONER section:

  • attrib_resolver (required) - The tag that identifies an attribute resolver that will fetch the attributes for a given subject.
  • group_attrib_resolver (optional) - The tag that identifies a group attribute resolver that will fetch the attributes for a given group.
  • parser_map (required) - A configuration file that maps received messages to a particular type of message parser (see below).

Provisioning Message Parsing

Because provisioning messages can come from different sources, their message formats may be wildly different. The Kiki service determines how to parse the message into a format it can use based on the characteristics of the received message. In practice, this means that the exchange and routing key used to deliver the message can be mapped to a specific parsing strategy.

Parsers include:

  • PyChangeLoggerParser
  • SubjectAttributeUpdateParser
  • BasicFullSyncMessageParser

Additional message parsers can be created by creating classes that implement the IMessageParser and IMessageParserFactory interfaces.

Mapping is controlled via the parser_map option set in the PROVISIONER section. This option should point to a JSON file that specifies a sequence of exchange and routing key patterns that map to a specific strategy. For example:

        "exchange": "test_exchange",
        "route_key": "kiki[.]grouper",
        "parser": "pychangelogger_parser"
        "exchange": "test_exchange",
        "route_key": "kiki[.]entity_change_notifier",
        "parser": "subject_parser"

The exchange and route_key keys of each stanza are regular expressions that must match the actual exchange and route key in order to select that parser. The stanzas are tried in order, and the first match is selected. If no stanzas match, the message will not be parsed, and the message will be re-queued.

When a stanza is selected, the value mapped to the parser key will be used as the tag name for creating the parser.

The PyChangeLoggerParser

The PyChangeLoggerParser parses messages generated by the pychangelogger changelog consumer for Internet2 Grouper written in Jython. This changelog consumer emits messages in a very simple format. There are 3 lines to a message. The first line contains the full name of a group path. The 2nd line contains a subject ID. The 3rd line is the action name, either “addMembership” or “deleteMembership”.

The Subject Attribute Update Parser

The Subject Attribute Update parser can read extremely simple messages that consist of a single line which represents a subject name. This subject is understood to have some attribute or attributes which have changed. The PDS will query which policy groups the subject belongs to and route the current attribute values to each relevant provisioner.

The Basic Full Sync Message Parser

The Basic Full Sync Message parser can read reconciliation messages that consist of a JSON mapping with 2 keys:

  • group - maps to the full path of a policy group.
  • subjects - maps to a list of subjects.

This message describes the membership of a policy at the moment when the message was generated. Unlike events generated by a changelog consumer a reconciliation or “full sync” event describes current state rather than an incremental change.

Group Mapping

Some messages do not include group information. For example, a source that produces events when an attribute changes on a subject may only indicate that non-membership attributes of a subject have changed, and it is up to the provisioner delivery system to determine which provisioning targets need to be notified. Because routing logic (see below) is intimately connected to the groups to which a subject belongs, the PDS must be able to query the source system for these memberships.

The type of group mapper used is selected by setting the group_mapper option in the PROVISIONER section.

Null Group Mapper

The null group mapper is selected with the value null_group_mapper. It maps subjects to an empty set of groups. Such messages are discarded by the provisioner delivery service. In effect, it only allows the processing of messages that include group information. Messages that indicate other kinds of attribute changes on subjects would be discarded.

RDBMS Group Mapper

The RDBMS group mapper is selected with the value rdbms_group_mapper. It queries a relational database for the groups which the subject is a member. The following options may be supplied in the RDBMS Group Mapper section:

  • query (required) - A SQL query that returns rows with a single column which is a group to which the subject belongs. The query should take a single parameter, which is the subject.
  • driver (required) - The name of the DBAPI2 driver module name that will provide the underlying database connection.
  • named_param (optional) - Some DB drivers require that parameters be provided as mapped keywords rather than positional arguments. If this is the case, this option specifies the key mapped to the subject value.

All other options will be passed directly to the database driver (e.g. host and port for a MySQL connection, and database for an sqlite3 connection, etc.).


[RDBMS Group Mapper]
driver = MySQLdb
query = SELECT A.GROUP_NAME FROM grouper_memberships_v A WHERE A.SUBJECT_ID = ?
host =
port = 3306
db = grouper
user = grouper_db_user


Routing is the process by which the PDS decides which routing keys to apply to a message before delivering it to a target exchange. A particular router is specified with the router option in the PROVISIONER section.

JSON Router

The JSON router is selected by specifying the json_router value. The JSON Router section should contain the option json_file which is a JSON document that describes routes to try in order when attempting to match an input message. The route map format is as follows:

        "name": "Description for the first route.",
        "stem": "full:path:to:a:stem",
        "recursive": false,
        "include_attributes": false,
        "include_group_attributes": false,
        "route_key": "route_key_A"
        "name": "Description for the second route.",
        "group": "full:path:to:a:group",
        "include_attributes": false,
        "route_key": "route_key_B"
        "name": "Description for the third route.",
        "stem": "lc:app:orgsync:exports",
        "include_attributes": true,
        "route_key": "orgsync"
        "name": "Default",
        "group": "*",
        "discard": true

Each entry is a route that is tested against the group included in a parsed message or the groups mapped to a subject for messages that have no group. In the latter case, each group may match a separate route. In this case, the route key for the exchange will have multiple fields, one for each route matched. The final route key is used when delivering the message to a topic exchange.

A stem match will match all child groups of a stem. If the recursive key is set to true, all descendants of the stem will match.

In contrast, a group match will match only an exact group. The exception to this rule is that if the value is ‘*’, then any group will match. This is useful for creating default routes.

If a route entry may include the include_attributes key. If set to true, the provisioner delivery service will attempt to look up attributes for the subject and include them in the message it delivers.

If a route entry may include the include_group_attributes key. If set to true, the provisioner delivery service will attempt to look up attributes for the group and include them in the message it delivers.

All route entries must include either a route_key or a discard key with a value of true. If discard is set, the group being examined will be dropped from consideration when forming the final routing key. Any routing keys matched will be used as fields of the final routing key.

For example, if 3 groups match 3 routes with route keys ‘frobnitz’, ‘xyzzy’, and ‘wumpus’, the final routing key will be ‘frobnitz.xyzzy.wumpus’.


[JSON Router]
json_file = /etc/grouper/provisioners/pds/router.json

Attribute Resolvers

LDAP Attribute Resolver

The LDAP attribute resolver queries attributes for a subject from an LDAP service. This resolver reads its configuration from the section LDAP Attribute Resolver. The options are as follows:

  • endpoint (required) - A Twisted endpoint description for a server.
  • base_dn (required) - The base DN from which to search the LDAP DIT.
  • bind_dn (required) - The DN used to authenticate to the LDAP service.
  • bind_password (required) - The password usedto authenticate to the LDAP service.
  • filter (required) - The LDAP filter used to select the subject. This filter should be a template using the Jinja2 templating syntax. The filter escape_filter_chars is available within the template (see the example below).
  • start_tls (required) - May be true (“1”, “yes”, “true”, “on”) or false (“0”, “no”, “false”, “off”). If true, the attribute resolver will connect to an unencrypted TCP port and later negotiate TLS as part of the LDAP protocol before BINDing. If false, the attribute resolver will not initiate StartTLS. In this case, it is strongly recommended that the endpoint (see above) be a TLS connection or some other protected endpoint.
  • attributes (required) - A space-separated list of attributes that will be requested for a subject from the LDAP service.


[LDAP Attribute Resolver]
endpoint =
base_dn = dc=example,dc=net
bind_dn = cn=attribute-browser,dc=example,dc=net
bind_passwd = PASSWORD-GOES-HERE
filter = (uid={{ subject|escape_filter_chars }})
start_tls = true
attributes = uid givenName sn mail displayName

RDBMS Attribute Resolver

The RDBMS attribute resolver looks up attributes from a RDBMS using drivers provided by the standard DBAPI2 interface. This resolver expects to find its configuration options located under the RDBMS Attribute Resolver section for subject attribute resolution or RDBMS Group Attribute Resolver section for group attribute resolution. The options are as follows:

  • query (required) - A SQL query that returns rows of attribute name-value pairs. Multi-valued attributes will have a row for each value. The query should take a single parameter, which is the identifier of the object attributes will be resolved for (a subject or a group).
  • driver (required) - The name of the DBAPI2 driver module name that will provide the underlying database connection.
  • named_param (optional) - Some DB drivers require that parameters be provided as mapped keywords rather than positional arguments. If this is the case, this option specifies the key mapped to the subject value.

All other options will be passed directly to the database driver (e.g. host and port for a MySQL connection, and database for an sqlite3 connection, etc.).

Message Delivery

AMQP Exchange Delivery

Messages delivered to target provisioners are JSON documents that contain subject and action keys, and optionally group and attributes keys. The Routing configuration should take care to make sure that messages that describe attribute changes to subjects are delivered to provisioning targets that have the capability to update remote accounts.

Likewise, messages from sources that describe membership changes should be routed to membership provisioning targets.

A group key will appear in a delivered message only if the parsed input includes a group. An attributes key will only appear in an output message if the matched route indicates that attributes are required.

The PDS requires a section used to describe how messages will be delivered to an AMQP exchange. The section is called AMQP_TARGET, and it may have the following options:

  • endpoint (required) - A Twisted endpoint description for the AMQP service.
  • exchange (required) - The name of the exchange to which a message will be delivered.
  • vhost (required) - The virtual host (logical grouping of resources).
  • user (required) - The AMQP user used to authenticate.
  • passwd (required) - The AMQP password used to authenticate.


endpoint =\:localhost\:5671
exchange = provisioner_exchange
vhost = /
user = amqp_user