
changelog consumer
A component that reads the Internet 2 Grouper change log and emits events corresponding to each change. For example, if a subject is added to a particular group, the changelog consumer will emit this event to an external component. Changelog consumers should keep track of the events they emit and take care not to repeat events from the change log.
Directory Information Tree
A tree-like structure an LDAP service uses to represent information to LDAP clients. At the root of the tree is a single node that may have one or more child nodes. Each child may have one or more children. The type of the node will determine whether or not the node may be a container for other nodes (i.e. whether the node may have children).
Provisioner Delivery Service

Provisioner Delivery Service. A component that reads raw messages from event sources. It repackages the message, adding addtional data from other sources, and applies routing labels before delivering the new message to an exchange.

The tag name for the PDS is “kiki”, named after the children’s movie Kiki’s Delivery Service (1989).

match values
Match values can be computed for local subjects or remote accounts. The algorithms for producing a match value on the local and remote sides may be different. A match value on the local side that is identical to a match value on the remote side means that the remote account is a projection of the local account in the target system.