Office 365 Provisioner

The Office 365 provisioner uses the Microsoft Graph API to provision accounts and licenses into an Office 365 tenant.

To use the O365Provisioner backend, set the provisioner option under the APPLICATION section to o365_provisioner.

Account Representation

The O365 provisioner makes assumptions about how accounts are represented. The provisioner assumes that the userPrincipalName of the remote account will be “subject-id@domain”. This decision is made in the get_match_value_from_remote_account() and get_match_value_from_local_subject() methods of the txamqpprovisioner.o365_provisioner.O365Provisioner class.


The options for the o365 provisioner are:

  • client_id - The client ID for the tenant.
  • domain - The domain the tenant serves (e.g.
  • license_map - A mapping from group names to license SKUs (see below).


log_level = DEBUG
client_id = 01234567-0123-0123-0123-1234567890ab
client_secret = CLIENT-SECRET
domain =
endpoint =
url_prefix =
provision_group = app:o365:policies:o365
unmanaged_logins =

The License Map

Licenses are manages as access control groups/policies by the provisioner. When the provisioner receives a membership event (e.g. add account “bob” to group “app:o365:policies:faculty_license”), it needs to map the group to a series of SKUs/product IDs that are to be enabled or disabled. The mapping is a simple JSON file. For example:

    "license_faculty": {
        "sku": "01234567-0123-0123-0123-0123456789abc",
        "disabled_products": [
    "license_students": {
        "sku": "21234567-0123-0123-0123-0123456789abc",
        "disabled_products": [